
Nail Making Machine Price in Kenya

What is the nail making machine price in Kenya?

  • Nail making machine price in Kenya ranges from USD 2000 to 7000 per set, and the price in Kenyan shilling is KES 288,500-1,009,750/set with five models: Z94-1C, Z94-2C, Z94-3C, Z94-4C, and Z94-5C nail making machine.
  • Wire drawing machine uses wire drawing dies to reduce the wire diameter, and the price in Kenyan shilling is about KES 288,500-342,750/set.
  • Nail polishing machine uses saw dust to make nails smooth and bright. SD 400 and SD 1000 nail polishing machines are commonly used, and the price in Kenyan shilling is about KES 114,250-288,500/set.
  • Nail cutter grinder is to grind the nail cutter when it becomes blunt and makes it sharp again, and the price in Kenyan shilling is about KES 68,550/set.

Kenya nail market introduction

Kenya flag

Kenya is one of the major economies in East Africa, and manufacturing development is one of Kenya’s four major development goals. The surge in infrastructure projects, real estate development and housing projects in Kenya has spurred the demand for affordable nails, which has increased the demand for nail making machines. While locally produced nails are available, Kenya has also been importing more affordable nails and nail-making machines from countries such as China, India and Turkey.

What is the nail making machine?

Z94-C nail making machine

The nail making machine is a type of machinery to produce 1-6 inch nails with different nail dies for construction, woodworking, and other industrial applications. And Z94-C series nail making machine is widely used nowadays. Major components of nail making machines include a feeding system, pin punch, nail cutter, nail mold, and collection system. The nails produced by these machines are widely used in construction, pallet making, fencing, packaging, and other industries. Compared with hand-forged nails, machine-made nails have strength, uniformity, labor and cost saving.

How to import nail making machines to Kenya?

Importing a nail-making machine to Kenya, or any other machinery, involves a series of procedural steps, regulations, and considerations. Below is a guideline for importing a nail-making machine to Kenya:

  • Identify suppliers: Look for manufacturers or exporters of nail making equipment in China.
  • Evaluate options: Consider the production capacity, speed, features, and price of different nail machine models. Select equipment that aligns with your budget and target nail sizes.
  • Payment and Shipping: After agreeing on the price and ensuring the machinery meets the required standards, arrange payment and decide on the shipping mode. Pick a freight forwarding service to handle shipping, customs clearance, and delivery of the machinery to Mombasa. Sea freight can reduce costs for heavy equipment.Mombasa
  • Obtain import documentation: Work with your Kenyan customs broker to secure necessary paperwork – import license, bill of lading, proforma invoice(P/I), and certificate of qualification.
  • Port process: The nail making machine will need to clear customs at the port of entry to Mombasa. Duties and taxes will need to be paid before release.

Nail standards in Kenya

Suppose you want to know the specific standards of nails used in Kenyan construction or any other industry, such as nail head, nail shaft, nail tip and size, etc. In that case, you can directly consult KEBS or visit its official website for relevant standards and specifications latest information.

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